Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hey Y'all. Will You Hire Me, Please?

It is sizzlin' in the city!! There is a heat wave taking over! 

**Jefferson Market P
ublic Library-- Beautiful!**

Today was a day of firsts! I got up, went to the NYU gym (which is DEF a first in a long time). The gym is about a mile's walk from here. Therefore, I only stayed 45 minutes at the gym itself and did NOT feel badly at alllll. It is super nice and all the elliptical machines have individual TV sets. Holy 21st Century! I was laughed at for watching "The Price is Right", an amazing show that no one gives a chance. :-D

Later, I went to eat lunch at the cafeteria for the first time. I couldn't believe how small it is. I also couldn't believe that they CLOSED Chick-fil-a for the summer. Excuse me, what? The cows are asking for it... I left the cafeteria and did some more job searching and application pick-ups. I am applying to The Children's Place, Ann Taylor Loft, Crumbs Cupcake Shop, Haagen Daas, WichCraft and Crate&Barrel, all of which have extensive applications. I WAS going to apply for Gap: Women, butttt they filled the position by the time I got home. And I am just hoping that all this application process ends in a job/money!

On the search for this book: 

The Hunger Games. I have heard about 50 people mention it via Facebook, Twitter, Magazines, etc. WHAT is the deal with this book? So I decided to check out NYU's library to see if they had it. They did, but I can't go there unless I pay the fee of $25.00 for 3 visits to the library because I'm not taking classes. RIDICULOUS. So I went to the public library, which is beautiiiiiiiful, old, and gothic. They were renovating and the whole fiction section was "under construction". The waitlist for The Hunger Games was 248 people long. Then I went to Barnes and Noble over on the Avenue of the Americas. They had just sold out and the man at the check-out said to go to the Barnes and Noble 4-5 blocks away because they had just received a shipment. At that Barnes and Noble, I waited in line behind 10 people who were waiting for the books to come out of the box they had been shipped in. Finally, I have it my possession. Luckily it's in paperback! And luckily I own it so you can borrow it whenever you want (after I read it)!

Biggest Obstacle of NYC thus far: I am truly one of the most independent people you will ever meet. I like to do things on my own and on my own time. But I'm also used to be surrounded by friends and it's been difficult not knowing anyone. No students/interns are at NYU yet. I have had to learn to do something I've never done before: eat alone. This is a foreign concept and I had to do it twice today. It's helping me grow as a person and become more comfortable with being in my own company.

Tomorrow I am going to finish turning in applications and go to lunch with a friend from UNC. (Finallllly someone to eat lunch with!) And Thursday, another friend from Chapel Hill is coming to spend the night and we are going up to Times Square together! And then Friday, I'm showing HER around even though she's lived here all her life. ;-)

**The public library used to be the old city hall. Right now it is all under scaffolding because they are renovating it. It was built in 1875 and the stairs are winding! :) Two out of the three floors are under construction right now and blocked off.

Monday, May 30, 2011

An Americanized New York City

Franklin Street!
       FIRST of all, EXCITING news. I found the NYC version of FRANKLIN STREET. Let me tell you though, it's a bit different looking than the one in Chapel Hill. There is no Topo or Yopo. There aren't any frat stars drunkenly wandering the street, NOR is there an Artichoke Pizza. BUT no other Franklin Street can compare to that of CH, so... :) 

Jersey from Battery Park

   It's funny because if you had asked me three days ago if I thought I would feel comfortable wandering around the city, I would say you were crazy. The thing is the streets and grid system of the city is so interconnected and simple. Like I said yesterday, I did some investigation of the area around NYU, but because everything on campus was closed today and because it was Memorial Day, I decided to go down to the World Trade Center Memorial and the Statue of Liberty.  However, the trip turned into a giant sight-seeing adventure.

Hundreds of People waiting to go to the Statue
          I started out the day going to get some applications from various places, but they all wanted my resume (which stupid me didn't think about), so I have to print out a bunch somehow tomorrow...somewhere. Then I walked all the way down Broadway to the World Trade Center, which is the biggest tourist trap ever. First of all, you really cannot see anything because of the fence. Policemen are everywhere and every language can be heard as people come to gander at an event where thousands lost their lives in a country that is supposed to be supreme. Today was extra busy because it was Memorial Day. I am sure the memorial will be nice when it is finished but they've been working on it for years and it is still blocked off from the public. So I continued my journey to get away from the crowds...
World Stock Exchange Building
Wall Street Flags
          I then went south to Battery Park, which is absolutely beautiful. The weather today was perfect: sunny and 85. A little humid, but otherwise splendid! I went along the water way that looked over to Jersey. I want to go back and pretend I'm an athlete...because there were so many people (ahem, hunky men) running along the boardwalk. You can see the Statue of Liberty from Battery Park and it was cool because she got bigger and bigger as I walked through the park. My camera doesn't have a very good lense, but I was pretty close to the statue from the end point of the park. The line to go over there was SO long.

The Trump Building
         Lastly, I made my way to Wall Street. Another tourist TRAP. It was packed with tours. The Trump Building was protected by cement blocks outside which I thought was hilarious. I bet he had those put in recently when he tried to pick on the man in the White House. 

        I walked about 8 miles total and my feet have a pulse. It was so sunny and I got tanner...or burnter (I had really bad sunburn from last week). I kept looking at people's feet going, do those shoes work for you? I learned that you can tell a true New Yorker from a tourist by their shoes. A TRUE New Yorker walks with stilettos with a cell phone to the ear. A tourist looks UP at the buildings. I was a tourist today.  I'll let you know when I become a true New Yorker.... I need to wear sunscreen tomorrow.

American Flag with WTC behind
         Things I love about the city (thus far):
Police Memorial
  • There are American flags literally everywhere and although this was a place of a huge amount of tragedy and sorrow, this place has brought our country together and unified us in a lot of ways. 
  • The different languages/nationalities. It makes me thankful for a country that allows so many different types of people in and is accepting of them. It also makes me feel like there is a bigger world outside of our little American bubble; a world I will one day further investigate. 
  • Free Expression of fashion, of art, and of theatre. There were so many performers out in the city today, all with huge talents. And no one here fears to be who they are-- something I haven't experienced in NC. 
  • That on one street (aka Broadway) it can be so busy that you can't breathe and then you go one street over and it's cobblestone and there's absolutely no one walking on it.
  • The mix of old and new: not only is there a mixture of old and new buildings, but old and new city goers.

Tonight I watched "Eat. Pray. Love" and relaxed my poor feet....
 A quote from the movie that I think goes well with my experiences and about this city after 9/11:

Staten Island Ferry
"We all want things to stay the same. We settle for living in misery because we're afraid of change, of things crumbling to ruins. Then I looked at around to this place, at the chaos it has endured - the way it has been adapted, burned, pillaged and found a way to build itself back up again. And I was reassured, maybe my life hasn't been so chaotic, it's just the world that is, and the real trap is getting attached to any of it. Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation."

City Hall Park Entrance
More exploring tomorrow! 

Peace. Love. NYC., 

Sunday, May 29, 2011

I Moved INNNN!

         Just had my hall meeting to go over rules for living in the dorm. I thought everyone would be eager to talk and get to know each other, but it was strictly business-- hah! Hey, I'm Carrie and I'm from NC. Response: Okay, Cool... *side eye cut* With the group I was with tonight of about 20 people that moved into Goddard, most people were from north of the Mason Dixon and knew the city/area really well.

NYC from Jerzey
          ANYWHO! I moved in today. I am officially a city dweller! This is literally the coolest area of NYC-- not that I've lived anywhere else in the city. After my parents moved me in and we ate lunch, I made my way out into the big.......Oh, wait..forgot something. I lost my I-pod first. Then I called the place where I left it and they are mailing it to me! Hallelujah! What would I do without that thing?! The Fedex'd it from Jersey City...3 miles away....womp. The lady told me to take a train over to Jersey and I was like, uh.... Either this will be a good adventure or a bad one and I was too much of a scaredy cat to test the waters of the metro just yet. Hopefully, I will test them tomorrow, 'cuz I have adventures PLANNED.
A picture I took of the WTC from Jersey City

I thought my roommate would move in today, but she did not. So I have this big 'ol room by myself. I have the hustle and bustle of buses and taxis sounding outside my window with the occasional sound of a horn or siren. Speaking of siren, seriously-- this place is oober safe.... I feel so comfortable here.  And anyways I ventured out into the city after my parents left. My first stop was....K-mart for hand soap. Three stories of K-mart. I had to ask where EVERYTHING was... I got sent to the third floor. Then the basement.... Then street level. "OH. The hand soap! I thought you said dish soap".... C'mon people....

I love all the cobblestone roads.
Also, I went to Crumbs Cupcake Shop and ordered a grasshopper cupcake. I WILL get in shape while I'm here. I WILL. But that starts Tuesday after the holiday weekend! I walked a lot of places and sent out  postcards so be on the lookout, you UNC-DM OC. Also..I met a guy from Penn State and may or may not have harassed him about THON. Poor guy is not involved with it... 

Which brings me to the Pepsi soda story. Okay, I love me some Pepsi. I went down to the basement of my dorm to retrieve a Diet Pepsi and it comes out. I sip it and pppppppssssssssh. I spit it out immediately. What is this...flavor? Is this something they sell only in the North? Oh, no. Just expired in 2009. Yummy... Come to find out that "Coke is preferred". Well, Carrie's in town and I prefer Pepsi.

My dorm is on the street to the  right of this statue.

Tomorrow I am going to look for a job... I want to apply at the Loft, but as I was looking at all my clothes today, I realized... I shop there too often to work there, I think... We'll see what happens when I go apply some places tomorrow. Everywhere on campus is closed for Memorial Day! What happened to the concept of the city there never sleeps..or closes? :)

I Love Kristin Chenoweth and her song "14G" about living in NYC: 14G

Till Tomorrow New York, Carrie

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Riding Along in My Automobile, "Dolly" the GPS at the Wheel

Hey Y'all! (Sorry, I forgot my camera hookup for my computer in the car...and well, pics will just have to wait :-D )

I survived the nine hour drive to New York City! My parents brought me up to the city in order to move me in and I officially move in tomorrow at 9am. My dad decided that we would break the trip up into 2 days. Our GPS, named after the one and only Dolly Parton, led the way despite her last use being about 3-4 years ago in Los Angeles. 

Friday we traveled approximately 6 hours to Baltimore, Maryland. We stayed in a hotel about 15 minutes from the inner harbor in Baltimore. Once we had enjoyed the managers happy hour, we drove over the harbor in order to eat at Phillips Crab House. I am allergic to seafood and cannot even eat anything fried in the same oil as seafood, but I enjoyed my favorite wedge salad and bread which was yummy! I love blue cheese! We sat outside and the weather was BEAUTIFUL, but then quickly a storm came up and forced us inside because of the pouring rain. There was a man playing the piano and believe it or not, the man was playing COUNTRY music. What? WHAT?! He began playing "Friends in Low Places", which is a personal favorite of the Dobbins fam. We sang along and even though it was only 7 o'clock, there were a few people in that place who were dancing along. Wow, oh, wow... We came back to the hotel and slept in and got a yummy breakfast... (You will find, I am all about the food...And I am not afraid to admit it).

Here's the thing: I am a terrible, terrible traveler. I am fine once we get somewhere, but I hate the in-between. I cannot sit still for THAT long and be okay. But...we left Baltimore and moved towards Jersey City, our next destination. I can tell you the traffic here is unbelievable because of the holiday weekend. Stop. Go. Stop. Go. Stop. That was the pattern of our journey today.

We got to our Double Tree Hotel and decided to immediately go to Little Italy in New York for some REAL Italian food. Okay, that was my decision. We are staying in a hotel that is close to the river and you can see the entire city of New York across the water (It is beautiful and I'll post pics tomorrow). We caught a cab and went over to the Washington Square area (which is where I am living!) and there was an unbelievable festival going on with crafts everywhere. Dad bought some fancy ties. The city is packeddddddddd, but amazingly beautiful and I know I am going to be taking so many pictures.

So if you haven't figured out, I am so excited about food in NYC. I HEART Food Network and I watch all these great chefs make food that I cannot eat/make because I haven't had a kitchen the last few years. But that's about to change. At this Italian restaurant, I had Caprese (which is various tomatoes, basil, and mozzarella) for antipasti. Then I had ravioli with cheese, zucchini, basil, and cherry tomatoes with a balsamic butter sauce. Oh-my-gaaaaaash. Last, we had...(and I am not kidding) a flatbread that had nutella baked inside and then mascarpone melted on top (a dessert cheese). Okay. whoa. So Good.  And now, it is almost 9 o'clock and I am already in my pajamas because we have to get up early tomorrow morning and I am ready to move in.

SO MUCH to write about Tomorrow!

Peace. Love. New York City,

Thursday, May 26, 2011

PACKING...Well, Sort of...

                  I am leaving tomorrow!!!
                 My level of excitement has reached a new high. First of all, (no offense mama) I am really ready to get out of the house/Kinston! Second, I just finished packing...sort of...and THIRD, Lady Gaga was just talking on her new MTV documentary about her hometown, NEW YORK, and how much she loves it. She even rides her bike around the city when she is home. Can you believe that?? Tomorrow Gaga is kicking off the Good Morning America Summer Concert Tour in Central Park!! Oh, how I love Gaga, but I will miss that show. Good Morning America has summer concerts every Friday and I will DEFINITELY be attending. This summer, the top 11 American Idols, Miranda Lambert, NICKI MINAJ, and others! My parents and I are leaving tomorrow at around lunch time to head to Baltimore for the night and then go some where close to Manhattan on Saturday night. Then I officially move in on Sunday morning at 9am. I do not know my roommate or suitemates, but I am excited to meet new people.
My suitcase remains unpacked...

                 This week, I've been going to my typical appointments...dentist, etc.. Tuesday I went to Chapel Hill for the day and went to Career Services for some assurance in my future. That assurance didn't happen and now I'm even more confused about what I should do after I graduate (but that's way far in the future...well. sort of). I also met up with Ms. Gracie Beard to discuss UNC Dance Marathon things! Wednesday I went to the beach and became....an absolute lobster. I just put half a bottle of aloe vera on my back. And then TODAY, I cooked and baked and packed. Well....sort of.  I'm a last minute packer.



1. White Chicken Chili (Brought to you by the lovely Jenny Daughety)
  • 3 cans white beans
  • 4 chicken breasts (boiled and shredded) 
  • 2 lbs. pepper jack cheese (save 1/4 of cheese for topping)
  • 1 large onion (chopped and sauteed)
  • 2 cans of chili peppers
  • 3 cans chicken broth
                   Combine all ingredients and simmer for 2 hours. 

2. Cranberry Brie Pizza  
  • 1 can Pillsbury Pizza Crust
  • 1 can cranberry sauce with whole cranberries
  • 1 cup chopped walnuts 
  • 1 wedge of brie (broken up into small pieces)
                Bake the pizza crust for 7-10 minutes at 450. Spread 3/4 can of cranberry sauce over the half-baked pizza crust. Top the cranberry sauce with the walnuts and brie. Bake another 5-8 minutes (until crust is light brown and brie is melted). 

3. Haystacks!
  • 1 11oz bag of butterscotch chips
  • 3.5 cups of marshmellows
  • 8 oz of Chow Mein noodles(Asian section of grocery store) 
  • 3/4 cup peanut butter
  Melt butterscotch chips until shiny in color and then melt in peanut butter. Pour over the mix of marshmellows and Chow Mein noodles. Mix thoroughly until all is combined and then put large spoonfuls onto parchment paper and let dry for about an hour. (I put mine in an oven that is not turned on).  
Kaylee wanted some scraps!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Causemopolitan


Today, I have been working on the 2012 UNC Dance Marathon, benefiting the N.C. Children's Hospital.  And I've been missing the 2012 Overall Committee!

UNC-DM OC 2012 is For the Kids! Not picture is Maggie, but she's awesome possum!

UNC Dance Marathon has been such a ginormous part of my life at UNC-CH, and I cannot wait to get back in August to hang out, plan with, and work with these lovely people! 

       Over the summer, I will be working on next year. Today, I've been working on researching new text-to-donate options and working on merchandise! 

     To learn more about UNC Dance Marathon, there's a link on the sidebar or you can go to www.uncmarathon.org! 

     Here's a link to a video I made right after this year's marathon: UNC Dance Marathon 2011


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

In the Meantime...

      So, the OFFICIAL countdown to NYC is: 10 days, 23 hours, 58...57....56 minutes....

      But have no fear, I've been keeping myself busy with plenty of Oprah (what other show can embarrassingly make me cry?!), plenty of red velvet cupcakes, unpacking/packing, and haircuts all around (including the dog)!  And a big accomplishment is that I've pretty much packed for my big move in August! I know.

      I may or may not have an addiction to red velvet cupcakes. I am not sure if it's the color or the cream cheese icing that get me every time! There's this place in NYC called Crumbs that makes to die for red velvet cupcakes and I am dying to visit again. AND much to my surprise and joy, there's a Crumbs on the campus where I'll be!! (stay.calm. and. breathe.)

     My Red Velvet Cupcake Recipe:
  • 1 package German Chocolate cake mix with pudding
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 bottle red food coloring
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Place the cake mix, sour cream, water, oil, food coloring, eggs, and vanilla in a large mixing bowl. Blend with an electric mixer on low speed for 1 minutes. Stop the machine and scrape down the sides of the mixer with a spatula. Increase the mixer speed to medium and beat 2-3 minutes more. Bake the cupcakes until they spring back when lightly pressed with your finger. I usually keep them in there 12-15 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the cream cheese frosting (recipe below).

Cream Cheese Frosting Recipe
  • 1 package (8oz) cream cheese, at room temperature
  • 1 stick butter, at room temperature
  • 3 and 3/4 cup confectioner's sugar, sifted
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
Place the cream cheese and butter in a large mixing bowl. Blend with an electric mixer on low speed until combined, 30 seconds. Stop the machine. Add the confectioners sugar, a bit at a time, blending with the mixer on ow speed until the sugar is incorporated, 1 minute. Add the vanilla then increase the mixer speed to medium and blend the frosting until fluffy, 1 minute more.

And then ice the cupcakes after they have cooled. I like to add chocolate sprinkles, but we didn't have any...so. Suffer.

And my puppy is extra cute with her Cocker Spaniel cut. She wanted a cupcake, but I ain't sharing.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

"So WHERE exactly are you interning?"

      Between American Idol's Scotty McCreery's homecoming adventures on WRAL and watching way too much Law & Order: SVU, I have decided to write on my blog today. LUCKY YOU!

      I have been a little sicky and have successfully put off unpacking from college and  from the beach and/or packing for NYC or next year's house. #whomp. #gottarestupforthecity.

     As soon as summer comes into view, everyone begins to ask you your plans. You know summers are important as any stressed-out, driven college student will soon find out, especially at UNC-CH. If you aren't interning, working, job-hunting, test-taking, or making something of yourself you are "useless" in the eyes of grad schools and/or job markets. Or, at least that's what we've been told by our university...

      This summer, I have made plans to hit the city in order to learn about what I want to do with my life. Because goodness knows, I have little to no clue! I have been asked 1,247 times  But this summer, I will be interning at the National Down Syndrome Society in Manhattan, NY!

       Last summer, I interned in Raleigh for the Autism Society of NC, mostly because autism has played a huge role in my life and defining who I am as an individual. I did a lot of solicitation work for them and event planning work in their development department, but this summer I'm trying on a different side of the non-profit world: publicity!

        At the National Down Syndrome Society, I will be making a video out of pictures that are sent in from all over America of adults and children affected by Down Syndrome. I will compile a video with facts, pictures, and clips of people. These images will hopefully show a crowd that Down Syndrome has no limits and can affect any race, any sex, any nationality, etc. AND...here's the cool part. It's going to show in Times Square to publicize for the NDSS's Buddy Walk, which will take place in September. SO EXCITING! NDSS will receive thousands of pictures, but only 300 or so pictures can be chosen, and so I will get to lead a group of volunteers from Goldman Sachs (who pay to have the video shown in Times Square) to choose these top pictures! 

      Non-profit work is definitely what I want to do, but I just got to figure out where I can be the most effective and where I can SUPPORT myself after college. This internship seems like a cool place to start. Here we go, people!

Mom and I in Times Square March 2011
     If you would like to learn more about the National Down Syndrome Society or the video/picture contest, there is a link to the website on the side of the blog! :)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Rolling in the Music


      Blogger has been down the last few days, keeping me from blogging! BUT I'M BACK!

      Over the last few days I've been a little under the weather, so I've basically been planning my summer in NYC. I want to take in the city and I want to see and to experience as much as I can. Don't get me wrong, I've been there before, but taking in the tourist attractions doesn't count for me. Plus, I've been told if I go to any touristy locations, that I have friends who will disown me. Sorry bout it, Statue of Liberty.

     I want to get a taste of the city, but most importantly, I want to hear GOOD music! I've been told (and soon discovered online) that there are many free concerts during the summer. From Good Morning America to Central Park, concerts are everywhere and it is SO true. Lady Gaga is going to be there before I get there, which is a bummer. And so will Adele, my latest obsession of a musical artist. Bummer. BUT Florence and the Machine are performing a live concert in Central Park in July and you know I will be there with bells on!

     People have been sending me advice on places to eat, too. My friend Katie, for example, suggested yesterday that I eat at the Mussels Pot, which is on the same street as my internship. Hope that doesn't insinuate it's all seafood because I'm mostly allergic. Instead I would like a lot of muscular servers. Now that's something to dine on.

     Lastly, I want to see plays. I am a broadway GIRL! Broadway shows cost a lot of moolah, so I am going to have to figure out how to see them without spending money. Or, I read that Central Park does a lot of Shakespeare plays for free and as nerdy as it sounds, I'm going to be all over seeing those. 

  A few other things I want to accomplish:
  • Not becoming addicted to shopping while I'm there
  • Finding lots of restaurants where the locals eat
  • A really great red velvet cupcake
  • Meeting the cast of Glee as they dally around the city (NBD-- UNC-DM ENTERTAINMENT 2012) Or just meet a celebrity in general and tell them about UNC-DM
  • Try to be an audience member of the Daily Show or Colbert Report
  • Find a PAYING job (my internship isn't paid)
  • Be thoroughly entertained the whole time without paying much money for entertainment
  • Exercise around the city (They actually have workout classes you can take in Central Park)
      (Side note: I'm living in SOHO, which is not that close to Central Park....so learning the Metro system is going to be another accomplishment).

     Lastly, this school in New York, PS22, did this unbelievable rendition of Adele's "Rolling in the Deep", so I guess my last accomplishment will be to learn how to sing like Adele this summer... free voice lessons from PS22? Or from the Glee cast when I meet them or when they happen to arrive at UNC-DM 2012?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Absolutely Nuthin'

      You heard me right. I am practicing something I have not done in way too long and that is to do ABSOLUTELY Nuthin'. And I'll say it again.

     Well, if nothing includes getting a tan, staring at a beautiful beach, and shopping way too much at the outlet malls, then I am a #winner!!

     Also, no worries. I know everything there is to know about the royal wedding thanks to People's special edition. Oh, and I bought four pairs of shoes today. #whoops. Guess I'm ready for NYC.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Tiny, Sandy Feetsies

       I cannot believe that it is already May. Where has the time flown? I am no longer a junior in college as of today, given that the class of 2011 turned their tassels. It was quite bittersweet to see them leave, but I know that they will go off to do big things around the world.

       Today has definitely gotten me thinking about how I want to spend the next year (my senior year). Will I live up every minute? Will I spend it constantly thinking, "I don't want this to ever end"? Or will I be prepared to leave and try out my wings somewhere else in the world? I have no idea where I want to be in a year or what exactly will be my future.
      But one part of my future that is set in stone is that in just a few weeks, I will be moving to New York City for the summer. I am moving to start an internship at the National Down Syndrome Society and to hopefully find a job (possibly in retail) in the city. I would love to work at Ann Taylor Loft because I worked there a couple summers ago, but I have no idea what the job scene is going to look like. I have so much excitement about living in the city, but I am also incredibly worried about learning the ins and outs of the city and not getting ripped off by people who can tell from my accent that I may not be a local.

     Every summer I begin a blog and every summer I fail miserably at posting. But this summer, I have made myself a promise: that I will track my journey in NYC. The last two summers I have spent my time in  beautiful Chapel Hill taking classes and working, so I am excited to take a break from academia to learn in a different way.

     Until I move to the city, I am just planning on posting about my summer. Today my family got together for Mother's Day in Cherry Grove, SC. I am so thankful for such an amazing family. I am also thankful because about a year ago we had a new addition, as my sister had a sweet, little boy named Collin who has me wrapped around his little finger. Every little boy (and girl) needs an aunt to spoil him rotten. I'm going to miss him this summer while I am in the city, but I know that I will be able to learn from this experience and be able to teach him new things.

Today, I am thankful for tiny, sandy feetsies:

                          Collin doesn't walk anymore, he runs! And he was extra cute in his alligator outfit.

     While I have a little while until New York, I have a lot of fun planned between now and then! I am so glad to not be taking exams. I swear, I am not human during exams because I don't/can't sleep and all I can think about is what will be on the test! I am de-stressing, working on UNC Dance Marathon, loving a break, and blogging!

     Oh and missing beautiful Chapel Hill because this is the first time I've left there since Freshman year!
                                  Picture of UNC bell tower during the 2011 UNC Dance Marathon

Hope you keep reading!