Cheers to Friends and Loved Ones
I don't know where the time goes any more. This weekend I realized I only have three weeks left to enjoy the depths of the city. My mom gave me a quick reality check when she said it was not possible to do everything I wanted to do on my "bucket list", but in true Carrie spirit I say, "Watch me".
But between working at Haagen Dazs and interning, I do foresee it going to be an insane feat. But I'm up for the challenge.
This weekend was filled with friends. Thursday night I went to dinner with Anna Beth, Casey, and Jessica to catch up. Saturday, I hung out with Ciarra. Ciarra was basically a suitemate freshman year in Hinton James dorm. She asked me if I'd ever heard of the store, Crumbs. Have I heard of it? Is that a question...
So we went! Of course, I got my favorite-- Red Velvet. I loved catching up with Ciarra. We are too much when we're together and ridiculous things always happen to us (such a kids literally throwing sticks at us).
This weekend taught me something. It's so easy to lose touch with a friend, even someone who goes to the same school with you. It's easy to get so wrapped up in your busy life of fundraising, school work, and other extracurriculars. But friends and family are what you have, and I need to make more efforts to keep in touch with the people that I love.
Last night, the National Down Syndrome Society was having a fundraiser. It was at the "Get Real New York" Belgian Beer Festival and they allowed us (my roommate and myself) to use cans to ask people for donations and to set up a table with information. We got to eat and sample beer and talk to people in the place about Down Syndrome. A few had siblings. Some has cousins. Others knew of a friend. Down Syndrome seems to touch a lot of lives and it has definitely taught me a lot this summer. Shambry, my roommate, and I met a lot of great people and the festival and got to sample some Belgian beers and food!
Today, I met up with Diane. Diane and Anna Beth and I are all on the Overall Committee (OC) for UNC Dance Marathon. Diane and Emily (another girl from UNC) and I went to brunch and ate our hearts out at a restaurant called Bread. Yummy. Yummy. Being away from the OC has been kind of hard this summer. The thirteen of us, though very different, are like nilla waffers and banana pudding--we just go together. Diane had just gotten to the city on Saturday morning and we decided to take a tram over to Roosevelt Island. It goes over a part of the city and the Hudson and lands you where you can overlook the city. Such beautiful views.
I think my ideas of beauty have changed while I've been here. My definition has expanded for sure. Who would have thought that steel, wired and industrialization could be beautiful? Oh, but it so is.
Shambry and I worked on cleaning the room this afternoon and I'm currently up at 12:09AM watching the sheets, towels, and other clothes go round-n-round in the washer.
Also, my obsession with black and white photos has become ridiculous. No longer will you receive any pictures from me in color. I printed 80 pictures of my trip thus far and the majority I printed in black and white. Hello, photoshop, my new best friend.
I really wish I had more to write about... Hopefully when Gracie comes on Friday our adventures will be too overwhelming that only a blog post will be able to endure those three days of non-stop fun. Hopefully, my bank account will not be too damaged.
Cheers tonight to friends and loved ones and beautiful NYC views,
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