Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Weekend Catch-Up

I'm moving to Greenville, S.C. in a week or two to live with my cousin who has graciously offered to take in this job-hunt-frustrated gal. Here's to hoping that living closer to larger cities might aid in the search. I'm looking forward to hanging out in Greenville for a while. I'm able to keep my job at Loft, look for a job and enjoy the company of a cousin with the cozy mountain life only minutes away.

No one quite prepares you for after college. You go to school with dreams in your head and imagine yourself to be this or that. You study four years for that dream. You intern. You try your hand at it. You graduate. And then it gets hard. The lucky few automatically find their dream waiting for them as soon as they turn the tassel. The others are forced to wait, put that dream on hold and just hope that maybe someday they can do what they are passionate about. This has probably been the most difficult place I've ever been in. You want something so badly, but the economy and lack of jobs are just knocking you down over and over again. There needs to be a crash course in life after college before you graduate, so that you aren't blinded by the reality checks that quickly take over. And while everyone says, "Something will come about soon!" and "Stay positive!", it's a process I never wish on my worst enemy and a process of constant self-deprecation.

In the meantime (and on a more positive note), I've been catching up with friends.

I've been helping to improve some before and afters.

I've been enjoying some sunsets and learning about sailing.


And today, I am working on packing more into boxes, setting aside what I want for South Carolina versus what I want to put into a storage unit.


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