Thursday, June 23, 2011

How do you get to.......? This way. That way.

I jumped out of bed at full force, reaching to turn on the water at the same time I'm brushing my teeth. I had overslept and pushed the snooze button at least twice. Maybe three times. I hadn't even looked to see what subway I was supposed to take. First and 63rd. You would think this would be an easy task, but I ALWAYS seem to not research which one I'm supposed to be on and ultimately make every trip into an adventure of a lifetime. It's raining when I leave my building at 10:10a.m. I need coffee. Yes, coffee would get this morning going. Good thing there's a Starbucks at the bottom of my building. 

"Iced grande skinny vanilla latte", I said while simultaneously handing over my card as if to say let's rush this along, buddy. I had waited in line for 9 minutes already and I knew this was going to be the tipping point of me being late. But wait, it's shift change time and suddenly, everyone throws in their towels as if there were no lines at all. I never get called the right name there. "Carrika" is what I got called the other day. Finally, I grab my coffee. It's 10:26 a.m. and it's raining.

I ran. Well, walked as fast as humanly possible to W. 4th and 6th avenue and bought my metro ticket. I swear, I can buy a ticket with those machines with my eyes closed. The train is late, of course. When is it not? At 10:37 a.m. I get in the subway. After a very interesting unsolicited conversation with an old man from Sweden who told the girl beside me and myself that he and his wife had been married for 46 years and that this was their anniversary trip, making his wife roll her eyes and her husband's friendliness, I was at 63rd and Lexington. 12 minutes left. The directions blur when you get off a subway. It's like you are shaken in a box and released, like a pair of dice. With some help from a friendly New Yorker, I was in the headed in the right direction. Lexington. 3rd. 2nd. 1st. I'm here. 11 a.m. on the dot. I hate being late and I always seem to be on time. Must be my long legs.

I walked into the store to find the manager who needed me to make deliveries. Deliveries? No, I'm serious. Oh, you want to know how that went? Well, let's just say that the Children's Zoo Cafe is in Central Park, not Lexington and 64th. AND homegirl gave me her home phone number, not her cell phone number. Oh, and it was raining. Hard. And did I mention we deliver ICE CREAM cake and it's humid as heck here? But hey, I got a $4 tip and I gave myself one: Don't make deliveries, Carrie. You have better strengths.

As five o'clock came and my legs and arms were ready to roll home, I passed by Obama's motorcade. Trust me, with the NYPD, you will never NOT feel safe. There was literally a cop on the sidewalk every 2.45 feet, waiting for anyone who even remotely moved a square inch in the direction of the president. On a similar note, Justin Beiber was in the hauz, too. While I'm losing my Beiber fever, I must say he once had me tied around his little bitty 16-year-old pinky. But I'll let Selena have him now. I've moved on... 

I then went to dinner at my friend, Alyssa's house and her "mama" made me a great big dinner. Yummy. Yummy. Alyssa and her sister went to the same high school as Lady Gaga and I saw her in the yearbook. No biggy. Thanks you guys for a delicious home-cooked dinner! 

Then I gave in... I went to a different cupcake store. We went to Magnolia Bakery and I did NOT get a cupcake (let's not lose allegiance, people), but instead got the most amazing banana pudding. I need the recipe. Let's just say that my sweet tooth has a very refined palate after this summer. I hope that Chapel Hill can keep up. 

Tomorrow is going to be a really long day... so I'm out until later this weekend. I'm going to try and see Avenue Q Saturday night. Cross your fingers I get the cheap tickets because I'm getting up early. My roommate and I are planning to visit Ellis Island, too.

Lastly, I must say that I had 6 people ask me for directions today. Six. Does this mean I look like a New Yorker?? God Bless their lost souls. 

Happy Friday, Everyone!

Peace. Love. NYC.

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