Thursday, June 30, 2011

Jetsetting to South Cackalacky

"Now you have something interesting to write about on your blog" has become a common phrase I hear from friends and family now. I thought I wanted to start a blog just for the summer, but I thoroughly believe this "blog thing" might be something I keep up even after I leave New York. 

Which reminds me, I have left New York...but just for the weekend! I jetted from the Big Apple to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina to come to our beach condo close by in Cherry Grove. I must say that stepping out of the city once you have been there for a long time (I've lived there now 4.5 weeks) is like stepping into another world. I now feel free to use the word "y'all" as much as I want, drink as much sweet tea as humanly possible, and I might wear my cow girl boots everywhere I go just for "funzies". 

The days since Saturday have been filled with Haagen Dazs, my internship, and getting to know my roommate better. Monday we went to Serendipity for my second (her first) journey there. I, of course, got frozen hot chocolate again, but this time with mint leaves. It was like Christmas in a glass and it left you wishing that the 80 degree weather would "poof!" disappear and the sky open up to snowflakes.  

Caught in the Act! Giving Cheerios to Kaylee. Mama says, "NO!"..Aunt Carrie giggles.
The airport yesterday was ridiculous. La Guardia is cramped and there is no seating. My flight was full with about 180 passengers. Someone once told me that the city cleared out July 4th and I now thoroughly believe them. 

When I landed in Myrtle Beach, my parents greeted me and I was also surprised by my sister and nephew, who had grown in the last 6-7 weeks since I had seen him. He was potty trained, read books, had applied to universities such as Harvard and Yale, and had even began courting a gal. While the above statement is not true, he was so excited to see me. It makes you feel good. I have to admit that I was worried about leaving because I was scared he would not remember me when I return. But that was preposterous because he instantly greeted me with a huge smile and said in a high-pitched voice, "Heeeeeeeeeeeey!" 

He did remember me. 

He stayed up way past his bedtime, partly because I tickled him, threw him up in the air, talked high-pitch to him and brought him presents to open from the big city, including his adorable striped Mickey Mouse jammies. There's something about a kid in a onesie. Or a nineteen-year-old. If you had the pleasure of living with me freshman year (ahem, Colleen) you know of my obsession with my reindeer onesie. Never gets old. 

Kaylee, my Cocker Spaniel, was also very thrilled to see me, leaving a nice pee puddle at my feet as she came bounding at me. Nothing can destroy a bond between a dog and her "mama", even if my dad claims I'm the step-cousin to her by now because I'm never around. 

Anyways, I was awakened this morning by that same high-pitched "Heeeeeeeeeeeey!" as Collin looked out of his pack-n-play at my bed right beside him. 

Collin loves the beach. And kites. And sand. And the pool. And peek-a-boo. What a cutie. What a spoiled little sweetpea is my nephew and I can't get enough! I can already tell you that (sorry sissy) Collin may find out soon that when Mama says "NO!", Aunt Carrie says, "hehehe, silly mama. Here ya go!"

And like any other 15-month-olds, he loves to be everywhere and never sits still. And he's really friendly, especially with the girls.

I will be here for the next couple days and will fly back July 4th to see the fireworks in NYC and to spend the next four weeks. BUCKET list coming soon. I will write down everything I want to accomplish in the 4-5 weeks. My July calendar, however, has begun to fill up and my life has become fast-paced like a true New Yorker.

P.S. My roommate has a blog now. Although she has it hidden so that no one can read it, I'm working on her. :)

Peace. Love. NYC. 


1 comment:

  1. hahahaha ohhh the reindeer onesie. your nephew is precious!!
