Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Pretzel Walks into a Bar and the Bartender says, "FTK?"

I started off my day a little bit like this:

Yep, that's me in that pretzel outfit. Looking good, eh?

Today was the grand re-opening of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Shop on Franklin Street. It was "Free Cone and Pretzel Day" because they added an Auntie Anne's, which will personally be my downfall this year in my attempt to "get in shape". Whatever. Cinnamon pretzels are too good to pass up.

Ben and Jerry's collaborated with UNC Dance Marathon to bring in a crowd. When I arrived at the store this morning, I hopped into this little beauty of a costume to walk up and down Franklin Street to get passers-by to go to the store and hopefully donate.

With a little help from my girl, Shannon, we ended up walking all the way to the pit and student union, where we walked around handing out fliers.

Things I learned while in the pretzel outfit:

1. You sweat profusely. Cute.
2. People may or may not give you a high-five because, believe it or not, people are a bit frightened of walking pretzels.
3. Alternatively, you get asked a lot to take pictures with people you don't know.
4. You cannot talk out loud, which is extremely difficult. So I giggled a lot.
5. People do not know what gender you are inside the costume, and it can be quite insulting when people say things like, "Hey, Can you turn HIM around?" or "How is HE standing those large feet that are difficult to walk in?"By gollee, it is Auntie Anne's!
6. I could dig this next year if the whole "job" thing doesn't work out.
7. It's incredibly fun to be unidentifiable. You can dance. Act a fool. No one knows who you are.
8. Riding a bus is difficult, and you take up two seats.

Moving on....

I was happy to finally be reunited with this bunch of people:

We had our first committee meeting of the new semester and my fabulous friend, Gracie, was an incredible photographer. It was so good to see these fundraising faces again!

 The "Awkward Family Photo" Group Shot above. 
 The "Ugly Face" shot above. 
The "Sexy and I know it" shot above. 

Happy Thursday, Everyone! 

For the Kids, 

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