Saturday, February 25, 2012

And We're Back. UNC Dance Marathon

Okay, I needed a week. And we're back.

We're fully rested. We've contemplated the year. We've gotten over colds. We've caught up on school (actually, not at all). We've gone out and had a beer or two and talked about the good and the bad, but mostly the GREAT. We've checked all of our e-mails and set up the lost and found. We've counted our blessings for each other. We've made it.

The marathon was such a success! And there's absolutely no denying it. And we're celebrating.

I think it wasn't until Wednesday that I was like, "Okay, Carrie, that happened and it wasn't a dream. It was real and awesome and a part of your life that you'll never forget. Look at how much you've grown. Look at how much you've accomplished and look at your new friends that you've made this year who will always be there to support you." Pretty cool realization, right?

So I got this question on the regular this week, "Carrie! Now what? What are you doing in your free time?!"

The short answer? Enjoying senior year. I'm applying for jobs. I'm being a college student who goes out. I'm catching up with friends who so patiently waited for me to get to this point. I'm enjoying this beautiful weather. I'm working out. I'm preparing for a cruise with friends!

One of my friends, Shannon, is totally my "aha! friend". She just knows exactly what to say and often, because of her roots, says things bluntly that I need to hear. Shannon asked me the other night what I had learned from this experience. I was still a bit overwhelmed from the excitement of the weekend and it wasn't until now that I could really think about what it was that I actually learned from this past  year.

The short list-- the good and the bad? What it means to be friend.

That I am an emotional person and cry a lot. And being up for that long is tiring.
That I can accomplish absolutely anything if I put my mind to it.

That the things in my life that I feel are terrible are nothing compared to what a mother endures when her child is in the hospital.
One of my favorite marathon moments? Seeing this mom wear a shirt that I designed this year. Seeing our message spread across NC. And hearing her talk about her sweet boys and the help that UNC Dance Marathon gave to her family.
That I will always have a support system.

 That fundraising is EXACTLY what I want to do with my life.

That Anne Frank was right when she said, "I believe that people are really good at heart." 

Giving is always better than receiving. Hands down. 

 And lastly, that life and moments are fleeting, so you need to always enjoy every second of every day. Focus on the positive. Focus on the needs of others over yourself. And love life because you aren't ever guaranteed anything.  

And that's the marathon for me. In a nutshell. It was beautiful. It was successful. It was the best ride of my life. I am so, so, so lucky. 

And tomorrow, we are giving all of our money away through our Grants Decision Meeting. So exciting to see where that 483,210.36 will go!
2013 UNC Dance Marathon, get ready! 

Thanks to all my friends and family who came and supported me and the other 2,000 dancers! 


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