Saturday, March 17, 2012

Two! Two!

What a jolt I received this week. Returning to Chapel Hill from the Bahamas, there were lovely activities waiting for my unmotivated self like tests, papers, presentations, meetings and e-mails. My week was spent cooped up inside Davis library and at times, I think friends worried about my sanity because when lack of sleep takes over, so does the silliness. The inability to control laughter.

It happened in the stacks this week several times.

But alas, I made it to Thursday! And after my last exam, I collapsed on a blanket on the quad with friends and we chatted about how desperately we needed to get away-- and a margarita.

So even though it was only 68 degrees, windy and pretty chilly, I sat on that beach and read Hunger Games (I keep wanting it to call "Hunger Wars") and I didn't move for a couple hours and just soaked up the sound of...nothing but waves.
The beach is beautiful no matter what the weather.
The sun peaked out now and then.

This week was beautiful. Spring has arrived in North Carolina and it is here to stay.
Whenever I felt overwhelmed by the week, I stepped outside or took a drive in my car with the windows rolled down and country music turned up. It's glorious outside and I find that that's the only place I want to be.

Which is similar to this sweet bug.
He's two now. Yeah, I know. Time sure does goes fast. And Aunt Cawwie was pretty excited to see him and use my camera to take 200+ pictures of his big day.
 Anything with wheels. Anything outside.
 Anything that requires you to end the activity with a huge shrug and a dramatic, "OH NO!"
Being an aunt typically means that Collin can have M&Ms whenever he pleases. When he's throwing one of the below tantrums, Aunt Carrie means "Of course, Collin, you can have anything you want, just don't give me those tears." Even his tantrums are cute.
 And if you ever need lessons in opening up presents, this kid can teach you a thing or two.
 I love when I go to visit that the morning begins with a jumping on the bed.
 And how the majority of the sounds you hear are, "Choo Choo! Beep Beep! Toot Toot!"
 The boy is TWO.
 Happy 2nd birthday, sweet boy.
I will always remember you as the above sweet baby, but you're pretty stinkin' cute at age 2.
I'm going to try to blog a lot more. There's a lot going on, but I haven't had time to sit down and put my thoughts into meaningful posts. Every time I start writing, it never sounds quite right.

Have a great St. Patrick's Day and weekend,


1 comment:

  1. really enjoy your blog!! Miss you! Donna
