Music inspires me. I am constantly listening to something--anything-- carefully drinking up lyrics. My favorite "new" artist, Brendan James, sings a song called "Nothing for Granted". Listen to it here.
The beach is such a source of renewal. I come here from time to time,
sometimes carrying feelings from the past week and just like the ocean
waves carry the sand off shore, so does the ocean wash away all my
concerns. I was going to spend the weekend with my sister and nephew,
but the entire household broke out in sickness. But for the last two
weeks I've been envisioning myself in a beach chair over Easter and I
hightailed it down here anyway to do soak up some cloudless skies and
warm sun. When I arrived yesterday, I quickly dropped my things and
scrounged through bags to find my bathing suit. I left a pile of clothes
on the floor as I put it and sunscreen on--grabbed a towel--jumped out
the door. I didn't even stop to get an easily-accessible beach chair.
Didn't care. I was just happy to be there.
My camera did not leave my side this weekend. I'm trying to take
my camera off all automatic settings and learn what ISO, F-value, and
aperture really mean. Also, I learned this weekend that a picture looks
overexposed when details of the picture look "washed out" and
shadows/definitions are missing, NOT when someone in the picture is
wearing a bikini that is too small. Just....FYI.
I enjoyed going on my runs that lasted hours, reading books that
were not necessarily educational, people watching, and writing. I love
to write-- most of it doesn't end up on here, nor would it really make sense. It's thoughtless
ramblings about what this and that means.
When you're by yourself, you get to make your own schedule. You eat when you get hungry, not when it is twelve o'clock. You sleep when you feel like it. (I caught up on sleep-- so nice!). You wake when you feel like it. I even decided last minute to go check out a Ferris Wheel. This trip reminded me of the time I traveled to Coney Island and the boardwalk pictures that came from that trip. I miss New York.
The sky delivered that night, right? It had just rained and then cleared up miraculously opening up to a sunset.
I was so proud of "Little Pink Camera" for capturing what I was experiencing that night. A fresh rain on the beach of Coney Island. Given, the "beach" there does not compare to the beach here.
Taking pictures allows me to not take anything for granted. It makes me recognize the everyday things. And makes me see things from different angles.
Given, I am still learning. I even felt the need to explain myself to an elderly man who was watching me take 435 pictures of a seagull. "Poor gull," he said to me while chuckling.
"I'm learning," I replied, realizing how open-ended that statement meant.
I'm learning how to not take this life for granted. I've been guilty of saying to myself, "Self, you can make it through this week. You can get to Thursday and you don't have class on Friday-- so, you can do it."
That's no way to live, you know? The beach reminds me of that time and time again. She (the Ocean) says, "Hey Carrie, wake up from your slumber and enjoy this quickly passing life!"
I watched this couple from the balcony-- so cute, so in love with each other. |
So with camera in tow, I sought out the sun today as he fell deeper into the sky. You KNOW I love a good sunset. Don't get me started on how beautiful they are.
I found a little boardwalk that I'd never been to before and watched as the sun fell over the sound. |
So today I made an effort to not take anything for granted. I bought my favorite foods-- chicken pot pie and Caramel Cone Ice Cream-- and I lived up this Easter. I celebrated life, just as He would have wanted us to celebrate. I finished a wonderful book, started on a second. I listened to my favorite songs. I danced some. I tanned. I wore my favorite pair of jeans rolled up at the ankles.
I obeyed all the rules.
I people watched. Oh, people are so interesting. And kids at the beach are my favorite.
And I took pictures.
I laughed when I sent it to a friend who said, "Is that an ultrasound". Hope not! Just the moon.
I'm learning, remember?
I usually have a favorite part of songs. My favorite part for the Brendan James song?
Stop believing there's no time
Stop your heart from closing off
I think you deserve it all
Love your future, love your past
Love your body, it's all you have
Stop your heart from closing off
I think you deserve it all
Love your future, love your past
Love your body, it's all you have
And run with me down these midnight streets
We will take nothing for granted
Life is short and sweet. Take nothing for granted.
Happy Easter,
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