Wednesday, June 27, 2012

On-Again, Off-Again

I try really, incredibly hard to be a healthy eater. I will go to the grocery store sometimes and only go to the outside edges of the store because that's where all the "good foods" are supposed to be. I try tdrink water. I really do. But it's just not as tasty as my favorite drink, Diet Dr. Pepper.

I've got some really bad eating problems that I think a lot of people have. I crave sweets like no other. I have to have at least one glass of diet soda everyday. I don't really love vegetables. I love peanut butter way too much. And cooking is not as fun as baking and so making healthy meals is... not thrilling.

But that's all about to change. My on-again/off-again relationship with bad-for-me foods has got to stop now.

They say it takes 21 days to make something a habit and so for at least the next 21 days, I promise myself to make healthy meals, to try and kick the caffeine dependence (drink more water) and to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.

Here we go.

My friend, Anna Beth, gave me the recipe a while back for her "Green Monster" smoothie. I made it for breakfast this morning and it is so delicious, refreshing and healthy. There's spinach involved, but you can't taste it! You can really only taste the peanut butter and banana.


1-1.5 cups of spinach or kale, frozen
1 banana, frozen (it's helpful to precut your banana before you freeze it)
1 tablespoon peanut butter or almond butter
1 tablespoon flax seed
1 cup unsweetened almost milk (I use vanilla flavored)

Put in a blender and mix.

Here's to hopefully sticking with the healthy plan! 


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