Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Follow Through

"It's not about ideas. It's about making ideas happen."

I'm a firm believer in the "follow through." I first learned this phrase when I played bench for the Parrott Academy basketball team. One of the most important components of being a good shooter is the follow through. It gives you good control of the basketball and once you develop the skill of shooting, your shot becomes predictable and habitual.

And like every coach I've ever met has said, the game of basketball is always applicable to everyday life. My biggest fear after graduation was losing touch. I feared the leaving-- the losing of relationships that I had worked hard to develop--I feared the anticipated loneliness. So, I made a promise to myself to keep up with those that had impacted my life the last four years through my favorite form of communication--snail mail. Since that promise, I've done pretty well sending quick "hi ya's!" and "whatcha doin's?" to friends who aren't exactly within my reach.

I'm attempting the follow through.

Similarly, I'm an adventurous one. There's so many things in life I'm itching to go try. Go do. Go see. My bucket list has made me think and has made me excited for the future. But it's the follow through of actually accomplishing that list that I'm worried about. It's not enough to make a plan or to get an idea. You have to then make that follow through. A two step process.

Following through takes effort. It takes patience. It even takes practice sometimes. But it's incredibly worth it in the end.

Hope you had a great weekend! Looking forward to the week ahead.


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