Thursday, June 30, 2011

Jetsetting to South Cackalacky

"Now you have something interesting to write about on your blog" has become a common phrase I hear from friends and family now. I thought I wanted to start a blog just for the summer, but I thoroughly believe this "blog thing" might be something I keep up even after I leave New York. 

Which reminds me, I have left New York...but just for the weekend! I jetted from the Big Apple to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina to come to our beach condo close by in Cherry Grove. I must say that stepping out of the city once you have been there for a long time (I've lived there now 4.5 weeks) is like stepping into another world. I now feel free to use the word "y'all" as much as I want, drink as much sweet tea as humanly possible, and I might wear my cow girl boots everywhere I go just for "funzies". 

The days since Saturday have been filled with Haagen Dazs, my internship, and getting to know my roommate better. Monday we went to Serendipity for my second (her first) journey there. I, of course, got frozen hot chocolate again, but this time with mint leaves. It was like Christmas in a glass and it left you wishing that the 80 degree weather would "poof!" disappear and the sky open up to snowflakes.  

Caught in the Act! Giving Cheerios to Kaylee. Mama says, "NO!"..Aunt Carrie giggles.
The airport yesterday was ridiculous. La Guardia is cramped and there is no seating. My flight was full with about 180 passengers. Someone once told me that the city cleared out July 4th and I now thoroughly believe them. 

When I landed in Myrtle Beach, my parents greeted me and I was also surprised by my sister and nephew, who had grown in the last 6-7 weeks since I had seen him. He was potty trained, read books, had applied to universities such as Harvard and Yale, and had even began courting a gal. While the above statement is not true, he was so excited to see me. It makes you feel good. I have to admit that I was worried about leaving because I was scared he would not remember me when I return. But that was preposterous because he instantly greeted me with a huge smile and said in a high-pitched voice, "Heeeeeeeeeeeey!" 

He did remember me. 

He stayed up way past his bedtime, partly because I tickled him, threw him up in the air, talked high-pitch to him and brought him presents to open from the big city, including his adorable striped Mickey Mouse jammies. There's something about a kid in a onesie. Or a nineteen-year-old. If you had the pleasure of living with me freshman year (ahem, Colleen) you know of my obsession with my reindeer onesie. Never gets old. 

Kaylee, my Cocker Spaniel, was also very thrilled to see me, leaving a nice pee puddle at my feet as she came bounding at me. Nothing can destroy a bond between a dog and her "mama", even if my dad claims I'm the step-cousin to her by now because I'm never around. 

Anyways, I was awakened this morning by that same high-pitched "Heeeeeeeeeeeey!" as Collin looked out of his pack-n-play at my bed right beside him. 

Collin loves the beach. And kites. And sand. And the pool. And peek-a-boo. What a cutie. What a spoiled little sweetpea is my nephew and I can't get enough! I can already tell you that (sorry sissy) Collin may find out soon that when Mama says "NO!", Aunt Carrie says, "hehehe, silly mama. Here ya go!"

And like any other 15-month-olds, he loves to be everywhere and never sits still. And he's really friendly, especially with the girls.

I will be here for the next couple days and will fly back July 4th to see the fireworks in NYC and to spend the next four weeks. BUCKET list coming soon. I will write down everything I want to accomplish in the 4-5 weeks. My July calendar, however, has begun to fill up and my life has become fast-paced like a true New Yorker.

P.S. My roommate has a blog now. Although she has it hidden so that no one can read it, I'm working on her. :)

Peace. Love. NYC. 


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Rx: One Heaping Tablespoon of Culture Per Day

I wanted to see a show today. I was dying to see another Broadway show today. At least for me, they are always tempting me and calling my name. Broadway is exciting and for two and half hours you can be entranced with singing, dancing, laughter, and sometimes tears. It's always an experience, and you know, I'm all about some experiences. Yesterday was such a long day for me, making my eyes heavy and unable to wake up at 7:15a.m. to be at a theater to buy cheap tickets to see a show that would rock my Saturday night. Therefore, I slept in and hoped that at some point in the day I would run into someone screaming, "HELP ME! HELP ME! I have these $25.00 tickets to Avenue Q and they don't have my name on them--they have yours!"

I have always had an active imagination....

Well, my roommate and I had been wanting to go to the International Center of Photography, so we went there around noon and bought student tickets to see these beautiful black and white pictures. I swear, in my other life I was a photographer and I always pretend I am one with my little, sassy pink Sony camera. One day I will save up and buy myself a camera with a really great lense that can take professional shots. One day I will take a photography class where I will learn how to capture emotions, make new things look old, and even create an atmosphere that may not exist. Until then, my little pink camera will have to do.

The main exhibits in the museum change every few months, but we were in for a treat because the main exhibit was Elliot Erwitt. He has made some of the most memorable photographs of the twentieth century, including portraits of Marilyn Monroe, Jacqueline Kennedy and Che Guevara. His pictures are filled with emotion and humor. He photographed Jacqueline Kennedy at her husband's funeral, her eyes welled up with tears. He was also the recipient of the 2011 ICP Infinity Awards Lifetime Achievement Award. Although I could not afford to buy a coffee-table book of all his beautiful photographs, I did buy some postcards in which I will frame for my new room!

After leaving the museum we grabbed a bite to eat and went looking around. I was still itching to see a show. Passing by a man who was selling Avenue Q tickets, I knew I wanted to see one...tonight. So I remembered The Book of Mormon did a lottery at 5:30p.m. and that they also had standing room. I headed over to 49th and Broadway to check out the lines over there. Shambry (my roommate) had plans for the night and she decided to head home. The Book of Mormon won nine Tony Awards, including best musical, and although I didn't know much about the play, I thought the idea of the show sounded funny and decided to wait in line. I got there at 2:45p.m. and I was 6th in line. Tickets for this show are sold out until April 2012 and some of the cheapest tickets are $450.00. I am not making this stuff up, people.

But no worries, 4 hours of waiting in line and you're golden for seeing the show at $ long as you stand at the back of the orchestra. Over the four hours I waited in line, my hype for this show grew and grew. THIS must be the most amazing show on the planet. The cast was coming out from the 2p.m. showing and they were signing autographs and I even saw the main girl from Sister Act, and you KNOW how much I loved her and that show.

I have met so many different people in this city and waiting in line with someone for over 4 hours and then standing with them at the show pretty much makes you BFFs. I met a nice family from Clinton, NY in for the weekend and I stood behind a guy from NJ who worked at Kraft Foods and was about my parents' age. The lottery took place at 5:30 for tickets to sit for 32.00 but over 600 people entered (I later asked) and only about 10 people won seats. I was stuck in the standing-room-only line. An hour after the lottery I got my tickets, ate a quick piece of pizza, got M&Ms at M&M World and badda bing badda boom, I was in there like swimwear. My feet were already tired from waiting in line and I may have worn the wrong shoes, but I made it through the show!!

You know, I haven't decided whether or not I liked the show. It was no doubt the most controversial Broadway show I have ever seen. Do I think you should pay $450.00 to see the show? No. Do I think you should pay what I did to see it? Yes. I was entertained, there is no doubt. Would I have wanted to see this with my parents? Probably not...that would have been awkward. It was hysterical if you don't mind a lot of bad language and awkward topics. And never take anyone under the age of 18 to see this show. I might have been too young to see this show.

The point of the musical is that Elder Price gets paired up with a , lunatic (Elder Cunningham) to go on their mission. After being denied where he wants to really do his mission (in Orlando where Sea World and Disney are), he gets sent to Uganda, where their religion is not accepted until Elder Cunningham decides to make the Book of Mormon a little, let's say, interesting. Along this storyline is "historical" elements of Mormonism and how the religion came to be...well, how the religion came to be to South Park creators...

The same people who wrote South Park and Avenue Q wrote this storyline and I must say, I was somewhat overwhelmed by some of things they were saying and doing. By far the BEST character was Elder Cunningham (played by Josh Gad) who I swear was the closest the Chris Farley that you can get. He was the MOST hilarious part of the play and any scene involving him was one to see. The music wasn't very memorable and the best scene was most definitely the opening scene.

So would I recommend you to see this show? Well, if you are strong in your beliefs, maybe not so much. The play pokes fun of all religions and at times, I found myself insulted a bit. If you are going for a show that presents a morale, maybe this one is not your cup of tea. A lady in the metro afterwards asked how the show was, seeing the playbill in my hand. I had to tell her to wait until the hype goes down and it will go down.

HOWEVER, with that being said, I think it is really great that this show is able to present its very, very strong views and not be criticized. That shows a growth in our society and I can definitely appreciate the talent of the performers and the work that has gone into producing this show. Although this show started this April and is sold out until next April, I do not believe that show will be the next Wicked or Rent or Lion King nor do I think it will last long. But I am glad I can say I saw it and with the original cast!!

My feet are tired and so are my eyes, so I am off to sleep. Definitely more adventures tomorrow!! More pictures below!!

Amen NYC,

P.S. Check out this website to learn more about the pop-up Sing for Hope Pianos (pictured below).

Bryant Park

Can you spot the celebrities? And the protest?

Beautiful Organization: Sing for Hope

Friday, June 24, 2011

Playing for Change

LOVE this foundation and this song. Pause the music at the bottom of the page. Check out Playing for Change foundation here.

They are coming to NYC at Highline Park (the one I was at the other day) on July 18th-- I MAY just have to go! :-D

Happy Friday! I'm off to scoop ice scream

Thursday, June 23, 2011

How do you get to.......? This way. That way.

I jumped out of bed at full force, reaching to turn on the water at the same time I'm brushing my teeth. I had overslept and pushed the snooze button at least twice. Maybe three times. I hadn't even looked to see what subway I was supposed to take. First and 63rd. You would think this would be an easy task, but I ALWAYS seem to not research which one I'm supposed to be on and ultimately make every trip into an adventure of a lifetime. It's raining when I leave my building at 10:10a.m. I need coffee. Yes, coffee would get this morning going. Good thing there's a Starbucks at the bottom of my building. 

"Iced grande skinny vanilla latte", I said while simultaneously handing over my card as if to say let's rush this along, buddy. I had waited in line for 9 minutes already and I knew this was going to be the tipping point of me being late. But wait, it's shift change time and suddenly, everyone throws in their towels as if there were no lines at all. I never get called the right name there. "Carrika" is what I got called the other day. Finally, I grab my coffee. It's 10:26 a.m. and it's raining.

I ran. Well, walked as fast as humanly possible to W. 4th and 6th avenue and bought my metro ticket. I swear, I can buy a ticket with those machines with my eyes closed. The train is late, of course. When is it not? At 10:37 a.m. I get in the subway. After a very interesting unsolicited conversation with an old man from Sweden who told the girl beside me and myself that he and his wife had been married for 46 years and that this was their anniversary trip, making his wife roll her eyes and her husband's friendliness, I was at 63rd and Lexington. 12 minutes left. The directions blur when you get off a subway. It's like you are shaken in a box and released, like a pair of dice. With some help from a friendly New Yorker, I was in the headed in the right direction. Lexington. 3rd. 2nd. 1st. I'm here. 11 a.m. on the dot. I hate being late and I always seem to be on time. Must be my long legs.

I walked into the store to find the manager who needed me to make deliveries. Deliveries? No, I'm serious. Oh, you want to know how that went? Well, let's just say that the Children's Zoo Cafe is in Central Park, not Lexington and 64th. AND homegirl gave me her home phone number, not her cell phone number. Oh, and it was raining. Hard. And did I mention we deliver ICE CREAM cake and it's humid as heck here? But hey, I got a $4 tip and I gave myself one: Don't make deliveries, Carrie. You have better strengths.

As five o'clock came and my legs and arms were ready to roll home, I passed by Obama's motorcade. Trust me, with the NYPD, you will never NOT feel safe. There was literally a cop on the sidewalk every 2.45 feet, waiting for anyone who even remotely moved a square inch in the direction of the president. On a similar note, Justin Beiber was in the hauz, too. While I'm losing my Beiber fever, I must say he once had me tied around his little bitty 16-year-old pinky. But I'll let Selena have him now. I've moved on... 

I then went to dinner at my friend, Alyssa's house and her "mama" made me a great big dinner. Yummy. Yummy. Alyssa and her sister went to the same high school as Lady Gaga and I saw her in the yearbook. No biggy. Thanks you guys for a delicious home-cooked dinner! 

Then I gave in... I went to a different cupcake store. We went to Magnolia Bakery and I did NOT get a cupcake (let's not lose allegiance, people), but instead got the most amazing banana pudding. I need the recipe. Let's just say that my sweet tooth has a very refined palate after this summer. I hope that Chapel Hill can keep up. 

Tomorrow is going to be a really long day... so I'm out until later this weekend. I'm going to try and see Avenue Q Saturday night. Cross your fingers I get the cheap tickets because I'm getting up early. My roommate and I are planning to visit Ellis Island, too.

Lastly, I must say that I had 6 people ask me for directions today. Six. Does this mean I look like a New Yorker?? God Bless their lost souls. 

Happy Friday, Everyone!

Peace. Love. NYC.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Menagerie of the Bronx Zoo


Elephants from the monorail   

Today was Bronx Zoo day! On Wednesdays, you get free entry, but like everything else in New York City, nothing is every free. Everything is in houses and you have to pay for certain parts of the zoo, such as the monorail, butterfly house, gorilla house, and some other good ones.

The only penguin


Why did I take a picture of a turtle?

Heather, my sister. ;-)
My sister and I always had a competition of who would say this first whenever we saw a monkey: "Look! There's my sister!!" Then, of course, we'd sing the Mary Kate & Ashley song, "I am the cute one. She's just my sister." Miss you sissy! See you soon.
"The Striped Horse" as the kid beside me called it

Love some giraffes!

This caterpillar was very hungry
 The zoo was great, but they didn't have a hippo OR a panda. And that's just very, very silly. Hippos are my favorite animal.
"Mia" the cobra that escaped a while back...She was mighty popular!

Friendly neighborhood grizzly bear

A Polar Bear

 Also, the zoo was humongous. I think I walked 8 miles today. I'm exaggerating, but not that much. All the animals were so close and you could almost reach out and touch them. But I must say... I felt very badly for the animals. I saw the zoo from a different perspective. I feel bad they weren't in their natural environment, though I know most of these animals were rescued from bad situations or helped by the zoo.

These camels were giving rides!

Wild Horses


A type of Asian deer that never lose their white spots

Peace. Love. NYC., 