Tuesday, November 12, 2013

24 Freak Flags

It's been almost a month since I turned twenty-four. I'll admit that I cringed at the thought of my birthday, pleading that this next year be better than the last. So, I made a promise to myself that this year would be the BEST. Adventures would be had. I'd work diligently at school. I'd make new friends. I'd be proud of what I'd accomplished. I'd try new things and I'd fly my freak flag a little more often.

And to be honest, so far, so good.

Among my friends, I'm known to remind them "to fly their freak flag". Think of it as my own form of "YOLO" ("You only live once"). And don't worry, I fly mine. Sometimes too often. Whether I'm decorating for Christmas on November 8th, rushing fall in August or dancing and singing during not-so-appropriate times, that flag just keeps on flying. I'm proud of it.

Moving to Boone has been quite the unbelievable experience. I sit in my den and hear a beautiful sound: silence. No more honking or bustling about outside. I head to class each morning and open the door to a spectacular mountain that will soon be snow-capped. And as I tell people often, it makes me grateful. Most importantly, I've met some incredible folks who have showed me a new side to life.

But back to being twenty-four.

From undergraduate life to work life and back to graduate life, I've faced a lot of transitions over the last two years since I turned my tassel at UNC-Chapel Hill. So on my 24th birthday, I wrote down 24 ways that I was going to make this year the best one yet. Freak flag required at times.

24 Before 25

24. Visit my family more often.
23. Try new recipes and have more dinner get-togethers
22. Be better about keeping up with friends. Write. Skype. Call.
21. Go camping....in a tent. Carrie, you can do it.
20. Go to 5 concerts and try out new music styles.
19. Ask somebody on a date.
18. Face my biggest fear: public speaking. Give a meaningful speech in front of a group of people.
17. Listen more, talk less.
16. Stop apologizing for everything. Be confident and not live by "I'm sorry".
15. Learn how to SAVE money.
14. Take a trip out of the country (which might hurt #15)
13. Relearn how to run after knee surgery. Get up, get going!
12. Watch more movies - classics that I've never seen before. Hopefully, I'll be able to sit still.
11. Take an online photography class and learn how to Photoshop.
10. Remember and learn that I am Enough. Be grateful, humble, and less self-conscious.
9. Keep my blog up to date. (At least...somewhat?)
8. Read 24 books for fun. Hello, 50 Shades of Grey?
7. Write something meaningful and substantial on a topic that means a lot to me.
6. Absolutely no cancelling plans with friends. Less procrastination, more living and dancing!
5. Change my exercise habits. Exercise at least 3-4 times a week...
4. Get better at networking! Join a Young Professionals Group.
3. Visit nearby cities that I'm dying to see, including: Nashville, Memphis, and Savannah
2. Save up to give to one of my favorite causes.
1. Don't stress about the little things in life. Put everything into perspective.

And because I am procrastinating from studying for my joyous accounting exam I have in two days, I leave you with a mixture of my favorite moments from my last few months here.

 My cousin was married in Asheville and it was beautiful. 
On my way to Johnson City, TN to visit the 2012 Overall Committee! 
So thankful for this new friend and roommate who I've known for 3 months, but it feels like a decade. Those are the best kinds of friends. 
Driving around the Blue Ridge Parkway makes you so grateful 

Grandfather Mountain Winery is where it is at - just ask this little boy! 

A great weekend with 4 new friends! 

Fall in the mountains... 
My parents came to visit and brought this sweet face! 
 I stole away to visit some friends and met up with ol' Ramses. 
 My first Boone snow! 

Now go on... Go fly your freak flag! 


1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Let that flag fly boo! I'll do the same. Fly it high, fly it proud.
    -Bailey Hattem
