Monday, April 30, 2012

Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors

For today, this song says all I could say in a post. 

More on the last week coming soon. Until then, check out Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors-- I love all of their music and they sing a lot of duets with my favorite band, NeedtoBreathe.

"Take courage when the road is long. Don't ever forget that you're never alone." 

Finishing my last two classes tomorrow.  Life's becoming real.

Have a beautiful Tuesday,

We Took a Study Break...

...and took pictures together in our graduation gowns.

The people and experience I am most proud of combined with graduation from the greatest University in the country and people, you have one amazing photo shoot. Here are a few photos with definitely more pictures and experiences to come once when life slows down.

 I am a pretty lucky girl, you know?

Thank you to my friend, Molly, for taking these and many more photos!

Happy Monday!
Love Always,


Saturday, April 28, 2012

Saturday's Motivation

“For what it’s worth: it’s never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.”
― F. Scott Fitzgerald

Happy Saturday!

Continuing to study for my Clinical Psychology exam at 4p.m.!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Thumbs Up for Motivation

It's exam time here in the Hill.

We all need motivation. Here's today's dose.

Also, incredibly ready to wear the cap and gown for a third time. Picking up my cap and gown today.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Presidential Experience

Today at 3p.m., I will walk out of my final class as an undergraduate at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.

As if that wasn't hard enough, I woke up this morning to this article in The Daily Tar Heel. Allison Hawkins, I don't know who you are, but you are incredibly right about the inability to comprehend the meaning of Carolina.

"I can’t articulate or even comprehend everything this place has meant to me. Maybe I’ll never be able to. Maybe none of us can.
But it is love." 

I could never give you just one UNC moment that made me say, "I cannot believe I go here."
But I know that one of those times happened yesterday when I stood with the rest of the Carolina campus and local community and watched as the President of the United States walked across a tiny stage to talk to North Carolina about student loans.

Thousands of people with tickets in hand lined up  early yesterday morning to get a chance to hear Obama speak.

Kelsey, Gracie and I got amazing seats right behind the podium.

Around 10a.m., the place started filling up

Some wave action got started
So many cameras.

'Amazing' doesn't even begin to describe yesterday. No matter what your political beliefs are-- I'm not even sure of mine some days-- the President of the United States chose to come to UNC to talk with our students. And that right there makes me say, "I cannot believe I go to school here."

Carolina, I'm so fortunate to have had the opportunity to be apart of this campus for the last four years and my time here will always be incredibly memorable. 

Happy Last Day of Classes! 


Monday, April 23, 2012

50 People I'd Like to Meet + Zefron

I stumbled upon this website this morning. My favorites are these two:

I realized last night after going to see The Lucky One, that I'd also like to meet Zac Efron so that I can (1) tell him how attractive he is and (2) how horrible and awkward that movie was... Seriously, Zac?! Not one tear was shed with your horrible acting.

Happy Monday,

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Happy Tears

As long as I can remember, I have been a person who cries when I am happy. Happy tears.

Let me give you some examples...

When a friend got engaged at UNC Dance Marathon.

When I went to the UNC Achordants' concert last night and they were telling all the seniors they did a great job over their last four years at Carolina. And then sang "Lean on Me". 

When I was in class the other day and my professor gave a lecture on why she chose to be a professor and how saying "good-bye" is the hardest thing any human has to learn how to do.

And sadly, I happy cry whenever I watch a sappy chick flick, which I am planning on doing tomorrow. I'll bring the tissue, girlfriends.

I haven't been sad about graduation. Sure, I've said, "Whoa, hey graduation...Back off!"And sure, I've been nostalgic, posting pictures on Facebook and saying, "Remember when?"

But I'm ready for a new chapter. A new time to demonstrate what I've learned over my last four years. I've been so fortunate to go here. I'm happy because I'm grateful. Where would I be right now otherwise? What if I had made the choice to go to a different school? What if I hadn't met these amazing people around me?

This past week was senior week and we got to climb the bell tower and write our names on the brick walls, leaving our mark.

It's okay to be sad about graduation. I know it's hard to say good-bye. But more than anything, be happy. Be happy you got to experience all of this. We are so lucky.

 Doesn't mean that on graduation, I won't cry happy tears.

Thank you to my cousin, Kelly, for my first graduation present. Carolina + Photography, two of my favorite things!

 Today when I was listening to iTunes, a song came on...

"On the edge of a moment,
In the land that we love,
In the time that our best has to be good enough,
Like all those before us, we start out alone,
We race from our schoolyards, into the unknown...
With hearts in our hands,
Like loaded guns,
We're taking a chance,
We're the lucky ones,
This moment is yours,
This moment is mine,
And we're gonna be fine."

How appropriate.

Happy Weekend, Everyone!

And on an unrelated note, my dad shot a hole-in-one during a Boys and Girls Club tournament in Kinston yesterday. When he called, he sounded like a little kid and I could hear his grin through the phone. And he made the local newspaper headlines this morning

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Bucket List...Check!

It's senior week here at Carolina. The last full week of classes. A week from last day of classes.

We're completing bucket lists here, people.
 One of the places I'd heard so much about was Maple View Farms. I had never been before and it was so unique and did not feel like Chapel Hill. It seemed like you had driven hundreds of miles to get there.

We watched as the sun set over the rolling hills. And rocked in chairs on a wooden porch. Eating ice cream and chatting about the year.

More excitement planned for this weekend!

Happy Wednesday, 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Dear Freshman Self

I've been thinking a lot about graduation (the unspoken g-word) as it comes barreling closer and closer. May 13th might as well be the day the Mayans said that the world would end. Except for the fact that it is also Mother's Day that day...So we can project all of the attention onto her and not onto me, capesh? 

I got this idea from a website where people write back to their 16-year-old selves. I thought it'd be funny to look back and give advice to Freshman me...

Dear Freshman Me:

You've got so much going for you.

You've been accepted to the single-most beautiful campus on Earth: UNC-Chapel Hill. Your parents and family have given you a lot of grief about being a Tar Heel, but you stood firm and accepted the challenge. You enjoy Freshman year and you live it up, making new friends that will definitely remain your friends throughout college. You join one of the best organizations on campus, UNC Dance Marathon, and you don't know it yet, but it will play a pivotal role in your experience here. Stick with it.

Caroline and I walked this shopping cart all the way from the store because we didn't have cars. Then pushed it all the way back to the store. Casual.

You live college life correctly. Focusing on school enough to get by, but realizing that there are way more important things. You take study breaks. You aren't afraid to be silly. You go out a sufficient amount. You become people's rocks and you become a stronger friend.

You get to experience Carolina winning the National Championship your freshman year, but just make sure your brackets from there on out don't have them going all the way to the final. It ain't happening. But continue to cheer them on because you'll have some fun nights watching the Heels play.

Before Good Morning America freshman year.

You come in as a Biology major-- You should probably switch that now because simply put, Biology 101 is a weed-out class and you get weeded. Poli Sci is also not a good option for you. Neither is Journalism. And nope, not Econ either. You find your major niche though, don't worry.

Spanish isn't the right major for you either. But continue to take it because you ARE really good at Spanglish.  And GIRL, study abroad. Leaving for one semester is not going to hurt you. That's your biggest regret before you graduate.

Boys are few and far between. (Probably because they saw the above picture). You'll meet a few here and there, but trust me...not worth your time. The bright side? You become more independent. Yep, let's just stick with that.


Lay off the Peanut Butter Cookies in Lenoir. However, I know they are delish. You'll learn how to like to exercise. You'll even try your hand at Latin Dancing and Group Fitness Classes.

Oh, and you'll be asked to join an IM indoor soccer team. Just don't do it. For the benefit of the team, do not sign up. 

Make efforts with people. This campus is big and small all at the same time. Keep up with people. Let them know you are thinking about them even if you don't hang out anymore. You're never, ever, ever too busy for anyone.
Exam week 2008. Obviously being productive.

You grow so much in your four years. Friend groups change. You grow, though. Boy, do you change so much. It's awesome change. Embrace it.

Dressing up with Kaylee before a UNC Dance Marathon event.

You learn to like wine. Probably too much. You're a great bartender at parties. And your friends will always have funny stories about you. Like that time you asked a senior why she was at a fraternity house at her age. You learned to run fast from that response. Or the time....well, you'll see....

 For some reason, you really enjoy dressing up. You sure do like a good theme.

And a good Karaoke opportunity.

But most importantly. Do not stress. Don't be anxious. You hate Sophomore year. The newness wears off. You'll want to transfer-- but don't even think about it because Junior and Senior year are the best. They're hard though. You should probably start studying now.

But you turn out fine. Sure, you have a few bumps along the college road, but so does everyone else. Just go have fun.

Pull all-nighters. Some of the best times in college come from pulling all-nighters. You have lots of heart-to-hearts. You dance for 24 hours straight at UNC Dance Marathon. You pull your hair out studying for exams that you sometimes don't end up doing well on and it's totally worth it.

There will be nights where you will want to stay in and do nothing. But don't. Go be social. There will be days when you won't want to go to class. Do. Go learn from the teacher so you don't have to teach yourself.

Be silly. Love life. Love Carolina. Four years goes by so quickly.

Your Senior Self,  pictured more normally below.

However, don't think you've lost your love for dancing or silliness....

Or dressing up.....