Sunday, May 8, 2011

Tiny, Sandy Feetsies

       I cannot believe that it is already May. Where has the time flown? I am no longer a junior in college as of today, given that the class of 2011 turned their tassels. It was quite bittersweet to see them leave, but I know that they will go off to do big things around the world.

       Today has definitely gotten me thinking about how I want to spend the next year (my senior year). Will I live up every minute? Will I spend it constantly thinking, "I don't want this to ever end"? Or will I be prepared to leave and try out my wings somewhere else in the world? I have no idea where I want to be in a year or what exactly will be my future.
      But one part of my future that is set in stone is that in just a few weeks, I will be moving to New York City for the summer. I am moving to start an internship at the National Down Syndrome Society and to hopefully find a job (possibly in retail) in the city. I would love to work at Ann Taylor Loft because I worked there a couple summers ago, but I have no idea what the job scene is going to look like. I have so much excitement about living in the city, but I am also incredibly worried about learning the ins and outs of the city and not getting ripped off by people who can tell from my accent that I may not be a local.

     Every summer I begin a blog and every summer I fail miserably at posting. But this summer, I have made myself a promise: that I will track my journey in NYC. The last two summers I have spent my time in  beautiful Chapel Hill taking classes and working, so I am excited to take a break from academia to learn in a different way.

     Until I move to the city, I am just planning on posting about my summer. Today my family got together for Mother's Day in Cherry Grove, SC. I am so thankful for such an amazing family. I am also thankful because about a year ago we had a new addition, as my sister had a sweet, little boy named Collin who has me wrapped around his little finger. Every little boy (and girl) needs an aunt to spoil him rotten. I'm going to miss him this summer while I am in the city, but I know that I will be able to learn from this experience and be able to teach him new things.

Today, I am thankful for tiny, sandy feetsies:

                          Collin doesn't walk anymore, he runs! And he was extra cute in his alligator outfit.

     While I have a little while until New York, I have a lot of fun planned between now and then! I am so glad to not be taking exams. I swear, I am not human during exams because I don't/can't sleep and all I can think about is what will be on the test! I am de-stressing, working on UNC Dance Marathon, loving a break, and blogging!

     Oh and missing beautiful Chapel Hill because this is the first time I've left there since Freshman year!
                                  Picture of UNC bell tower during the 2011 UNC Dance Marathon

Hope you keep reading!


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