Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Constant Adjustment

So another hiatus, I know. But do you really want to hear about me folding clothes at Loft or babysitting and playing The Game of Life a total of 5 times in a row? That's a snapshot of my last two weeks. It wasn't really until this week that I had something real to say, even though I've missed writing and this space so much.

This week has an added bonus of a sailing class. Cross that off my bucket list. I've learned tried my hand at sailing. Day one of sailing should have been recorded for Saturday Night Live. I'm talking, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing.

"Sail 45 degrees away from the wind!" the instructors kept yelling from their motorized boat.

I took my index finger, wet it and held it up in the air, as if that would tell me the direction of the wind.

When seeing this ridiculous attempt at discovering the wind's direction, the instructor hopped on my boat. I needed extra assistance as now I was headed towards the snake-invested rocky side of the lake. I chalked it up to be a visual learner because as soon as I had a bit of extra help, I was sailing. Sort of.

"Sailing is just a constant adjustment. Pull the line. Move the tiller to the right or left. Tack when the time seems right to change directions," the instructor said.

Then it clicked.

The instructors had place buoys in the water and we were supposed to sail a figure 8 around them. However, I was proud to go in a straight line to and from the buoys.

Day two went a little bit better because there was not much wind. We were lucky when a little breeze was picked up by the sails. I had the hang of sailing today. My back throbs. My butt bone feels like it's been popped with a hammer. My skin is a bright shade of red. But it's been an amazing adventure and I am thrilled to have had the opportunity to take this class with my optimistic friend, Chancey.

The water is so relaxing. It gives me time to think. I really like this new "hobby". Thanks bucket list!


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